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Board of Directors

Mr. Hughes ENG, O.Ont

​Inducted in 2006, Hughes Eng is a member of the Order of Ontario.


Prime Secretary

Wilson Nae-Wing YU, R.TCMP, R.Ac, PhD

Wilson Yu is is a registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner in Ontario and holds a Doctor of Literature from National Taiwan Normal University. He also holds a certificate of International TCM & Acupuncture Qualification Examination (sponsored by the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibusion Societies). Yu was previously a Special Term Professor at the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. He is now a retired professor at the Faculty of Education, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Keith LAU, MD

Keith Lau is an Associate Professor at the Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University.  Lau graudated from the Faculty of Medicine at University of Hong Kong in 1987 and completed pediatric residencies at the University of Saskatchewan between 1991–1992 and the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga between 1993–1994. He completed a fellowship at the University of Alabama at Birmingham in Neonatology between 1994–1995 and a fellowship at the University of Tennessee

Simon Siu Hing SO, PhD

Graduated from the university of Hong Kong in bachelor of literature studies, Ph.D of literature studies from the London university. Professor of university of Toronto.
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